Clta 116 Continuity Single Parcel Endorsement

Easement, Access to Public Street – (CLTA 103.4-06)

Provides coverage to an Owner or Lender in the event that the easement insured in Schedule A does not provide ingress and egress to a designated public street.clta103.4-06 CLTA 103.4-06

CC&R's, Violations – (CLTA 100.19-06)

Provides coverage to an Insured relating to an existing violation of the identified CC&R's.
clta100.19-06 CLTA 100.19-06

Zoning Unimproved Land – (ALTA 3-06, CLTA 123.1-06)

Zoning – Land Under Development – (ALTA 3.2-06, CLTA 123.3-06)

Zoning – Completed Structure – (ALTA 3.1-06, CLTA 123.2-06)

Water Rights, Surface Damage – (CLTA 103.5-06)

Provides coverage to either an Owner or Lender against loss resulting from damage to improvements caused by the exercise of the right to use the surface of the land for the extraction or development of water.

clta103.5-06 CLTA 103.5-06

Water Rights, Future Improvements – (CLTA 103.8-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender against loss resulting from damage to improvements caused by the exercise of the right to use the surface of the land for the extraction or development of water excepted from the legal description in Schedule A or shown as a Schedule B matter. This endorsement is designated for issuance in conjunction with FHA mortgages when the improvements, although contemplated in plans and specifications, have not yet been constructed on the property.

clta103.8-06 CLTA 103.8-06

Variable Rate, Renewal – (CLTA 111.7-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender against loss sustained by reason of the invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage resulting from provisions therein providing for renewal of the mortgage or changes in the rate of interest and against the loss of priority of the lien caused by the provided renewal or changes in the interest rate.

clta111.7-06 CLTA 111.7-06

Variable Rate, FNMA 7 Year Balloon – (CLTA 111.9-06)

Designed for issuance when the insured mortgage contains a "conditional" right to refinance the final balloon payment when it becomes due.

clta111.9-06 CLTA 111.9-06

Variable Rate Mortgage Negative Amortization Endorsement – (TLTA T-33.1)

Variable Rate Mortgage Endorsement – (TLTA T-33)

The Variable Rate Mortgage Endorsement provides coverage to insure against the invalidity, loss of priority or unenforceability of lien resulting from provisions therein which provide for changes in the rate of interest.


Variable Rate Mortgage – Negative Amortization – (ALTA 6.2-06, CLTA 111.8-06)

Variable Rate Mortgage – (ALTA 6-06, CLTA 111.5-06)

Validity of Lease in Schedule B – (CLTA 119-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender relating to the execution and priority of a particular lease excepted in Schedule B.

clta119-06 CLTA 119-06

Validity and Priority of Lease – (CLTA 119.2-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender relating to the validity of an existing lease that is being shown in Schedule B.

clta119.2-06 CLTA 119.2-06

Utility Access – (ALTA 17.2-06, CLTA 103.13-06)

Usury – (ALTA 27-06, CLTA 132-06)

USA – Acquisition of Title Endorsement – (TLTA T-12)

Upon completion of an acquisition of title by the United States of America or United States Postal Service, the endorsement is issued to extend the effective date of a Policy of Title Insurance-USA (T-11) and to amend the ownership and estate to be insured (i.e.- easement estate) after the taking or acquisition.


Truth in Lending – (ALTA 2-06, CLTA 125-06)

Tax Amendment Endorsement -Rollback Taxes – (TLTA T-30)

Amends the standard exception contained in the loan policy to provide coverage against rollback taxes assessed for prior years due to a change in land usage or ownership.


Surface Use, Horizontal Subdivision – (CLTA 103.10-06)

Provides coverage to an Owner or Lender against loss resulting from the exercise of the right of a subsurface owner to use the surface of the land for any purpose in connection with his subsurface ownership. This endorsement is designed for those situations where ownership of the land has been divided into two or more horizontal planes with the subsurface ownership severed from ownership of the surface; it is not intended to include severance of the subsurface oil or mineral rights.

clta103.10-06 CLTA 103.10-06

Subdivision – (ALTA 26-06, CLTA 116.8-06)

Street Assessments – (ALTA 1-06)

Single Tax Parcel – (ALTA 18-06, CLTA 129-06)

Shared Appreciation Mortgage – (ALTA 30-06, CLTA 135-06)

Loan policy only. Insures against the invalidity or unenforceability of the lien or loss of priority of the insured mortgage containing provisions for shared appreciation.

ALTA_Endorsement_30-06_7-26-2010[1] ALTA 30-06
CLTA 135-06

Severable Improvements Endorsement – (ALTA 31-06, CLTA 136-06)

Same as Survey – (ALTA 25-06, CLTA 116.1-06)

Same as Portion of Survey – (ALTA 25.1-06, CLTA 116.1.2-06)

Revolving Credit Loan – Optional Advance – (CLTA 111.10-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender with respect to revolving line of credit loans where the lender's agreement to make advances is optional.

clta111.10-06 CLTA 111.10-06

Revolving Credit Loan – Obligatory Advance – (CLTA 111.11-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender with respect to revolving line of credit loans where the lender's agreement to make advances is obligatory.

clta111.11-06 CLTA 111.11-06

Revolving Credit – Increased Credit Limit – (CLTA 108.10-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender with respect to modification of revolving credit loans to increase credit limit. This endorsement should only be attached to an ALTA loan policy issued with respect to a deed of trust or mortgage securing a revolving credit loan which has attached a revolving credit type endorsement such as CLTA form 111.10 or 111.11.

clta108.10-06 CLTA 108.10-06

Reverse Mortgage Endorsement – (TLTA T-43)

Insures the lender that a reverse mortgage is not invalid or unenforceable due to a lack of compliance with constitutional requirements governing issuance thereof.


Restrictions, Encroachments, Minerals – Land Under Development – Loan Policy – (ALTA 9.7-06, CLTA 100.2.7-06)

Insures against violations of restrictions, encroachments over easements, building lines or property lines, and damage by reason of mineral or other subsurface substance development with respect to improvements and future improvements.

ALTA_Endorsement_9.7-06_-_Final[1] ALTA 9.7-06,
CLTA 100.2.7-06

Restrictions, Encroachments, Minerals – (ALTA 9-06, CLTA 100.2-06)

Loan Policy only. Used where CLTA 100 has been requested. Insures against violations of restrictive covenants, encroachments and outstanding mineral interests.

ALTA_Endorsement_9.6-06_-_Final[1]_0 ALTA 9-06,
CLTA 100.2-06

Restrictions, Encroachments and Minerals Endorsement – Owner's Policy – (TLTA T-19.1)

The Restrictions, Encroachments and Minerals Endorsements provides coverage to an insured owner against loss by reason of present or future violations of any covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting the property. It also provides protection against the encroachment of improvements and damage to improvements associated with the surface entry for mineral development.


Restrictions, Encroachments and Minerals Endorsement – (TLTA T-19)

The Restrictions, Encroachments and Minerals Endorsement Form T-19 provides "comprehensive" coverages to the insured lender against loss by reason of present or future violations of any covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting the property. It also provides protection against the encroachment of improvements, or for damage to improvements associated with the surface entry for mineral development.


Restrictions, Encroachments and Minerals – (CLTA 100-06, LTAA 3R)

Provides coverage to a Lender concerning covenants, conditions and restrictions, encroachments, easements and the right of surface entry for mineral extraction.

clta100-06 CLTA 100-06,

Residential Limited Coverage Junior Mortgagee Policy Downdate Endorsement – (TLTA T-45)

The Residential Limited Coverage Junior Mortgagee Policy (T-44) provides limited coverage to lenders on second mortgages. This downdate endorsement extends the effective date of the Residential Limited Coverage Junior Mortgagee Policy, and in some situations, increases the liability amount under the policy to reflect the amount actually disbursed on construction loan.


Residential Limited Coverage Junior Mortgage Policy Heloc/Variable Rate Endorsement – (TLTA T-46)

The Residential Limited Coverage Junior Mortgagee Policy (T-44) provides limited coverage to lenders on second mortgages. When a junior home equity loan provides for a variable rate of interest, this endorsement provides additional coverage to the lender so that the insured lien is not invalid, unenforceable, and there will be no loss of priority due to provisions providing for a change in the rate of interest.


Private Rights – Loan Policy – (ALTA 9.6-06, CLTA 100.2.6-06)

Insures against enforcement of a private right resulting in invalidity, unenforceability or lack of priority of the lien of the insured mortgage or causing a loss of title acquired in satisfaction of the indebtedness.

ALTA_Endorsement_9.6-06_-_Final[1]_1 ALTA 9.6-06,
CLTA 100.2.6-06

Priority of Lease – (CLTA 119.3-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender that a particular lease in Schedule B is shown in its order of priority except for the deed of trust which has been specifically subordinated to the insured's deed of trust and is shown in Part II of Schedule B.

clta119.3-06 CLTA 119.3-06

Planned Unit Development Endorsement – (TLTA T-17)

Provides comprehensive coverage to an insured lender for loss concerning violations of restrictive covenants, homeowners' association charges and assessments, encroachments and the exercise of preemptive options or rights of first refusal to purchase, all pertaining to land located in a planned unit development.


Planned Unit Development – (ALTA 5.1-06, CLTA 115.4-06)

Planned Unit Development – (ALTA 5-06, CLTA 115.2-06)

Loan policy only. Insures against encroachments by the unit, against restrictions providing for a forfeiture or reversion of title and against assessments gaining priority over the insured mortgage.

ALTA_Endorsement_5-06_2-3-10[1] ALTA 5-06,
CLTA 115.2-06

Non-Merger After Lender Acquires Title – (CLTA 107.11-06)

Insures a Lender against loss which may result because the insured Lender is also the owner of the encumbered estate.

clta107.11-06 CLTA 107.11-06

Non-Imputation Endorsement (Mezzanine Financing) – (TLTA T-24.1)

This endorsement is typically requested in situations where it is contemplated that new partners/officers or directors will acquire an interest in the partnership or corporation after closing. This endorsement provides insurance to a lender whose loan is secured not by a lien against the land but rather by some form of security against the beneficial interest of the business entity that owns the Land. The security may be a pledge of and security interest in the stock in a corporation, partnership interest in a partnership, or membership interest in a limited liability company. The Endorsement is made a part of an Owner's Policy rather than a Loan Policy, because the lender's personal property security interest is not being insured so no Loan Policy is issued to the lender. The endorsement assigns the rights under the policy of the Insured owner of the Land to the defined Mezzanine Lender. The endorsement provides that the Company will not assert as a defense to matters known to the Insured owner, as long as they were not known to the Mezzanine Lender. It further provides that the Company will not deny liability on the basis that ownership interests in the Insured have been transferred to or acquired by the Mezzanine Lender.

clta107.11-06 TLTA T-24.1

Non-Imputation Endorsement – (TLTA T-24)

This endorsement is typically requested in situations where it is contemplated that new partners/officers or directors will acquire an interest in the partnership or corporation after closing. This endorsement amends provisions in the Owner Policy so that the Company will not deny liability to the insured for matters imputed to said incoming partners or officers.


Non-Imputation – Partial Equity Transfer – (ALTA 15.2-06, CLTA 127.2-06)

Loan or Owner's policy. This endorsement is issued where a new owner is buying an equity interest in an entity and a new title policy is being issued and the incoming member will be named as an additional insured under Schedule A.

CLTA 127.2-06

Non-Imputation – Full Equity Transfer – (ALTA 15-06, CLTA 127-06)

Non-Imputation – Additional Insured – (ALTA 15.1-06, CLTA 127.1-06)

Multiple Tax Parcels (covers more property) – (ALTA 18.2-06, CLTA 129.2-06)

Loan or Owner's policy. Insures against loss or damage without easement provisions if the insured land is taxed as part of other parcels.

Same as ALTA 18.1-06 without the easement provision shown in paragraph two.

ALTA_Endorsement_18.2-06_-_Final1 ALTA 18.2-06,
CLTA 129.2-06

Multiple Tax Parcel – (ALTA 18.1-06, CLTA 129.1-06)

Multiple Mortgages in One Policy – (CLTA 105-06)

Designed for a Lender with two separate mortgages insured under one policy.

clta105-06-1 CLTA 105-06

Mortgage Priority, Subordination – (CLTA 111.2-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender against loss which might be sustained as the result of any impairment of the insured mortgage caused by subordination to an otherwise junior interest or encumbrance.

clta111.2-06 CLTA 111.2-06

Mortgage Priority, Partial Reconveyance – (CLTA 111.1-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender that the company will not claim that its liability has been waived or surrendered by the insured or reduced by the company, except to the extent of any consideration received by the insured, by reason of the fact that title to a portion of the land has been released from the lien by a partial reconveyance.

clta111.1-06 CLTA 111.1-06

Mortgage Priority, Partial Reconveyance – (CLTA 111-06 , LTAA 9)

Provides coverage against loss which an insured Lender may sustain by reason of any loss of priority of the insured mortgage on the remainder of the land referred to in Schedule A, occasioned by the execution of a partial reconveyances.

clta111-06 CLTA 111-06 ,

Mortgage Priority, Encroachment, Address – (CLTA 111.3-06)

Provides coverage comparable to CLTA 111-06. In addition, the endorsement also insures that there are no encroachments of any buildings, structures, or improvements located on the remaining land onto adjoining lands and vice-versa.

clta111.3-06 CLTA 111.3-06

Mortgage Modification with Subordination – (ALTA 11.1-06, CLTA 110.11.1-06)

Mortgage Modification with Additional Amount of Insurance – (ALTA 11.2-06, CLTA 110.11.02-06)

Mortgage Modification – (ALTA 11-06, CLTA 110.11-06)

Loan policy only. Insures the lender that the mortgage as modified retains its priority and that the modification
does not render it invalid.

clta111.4-06 ALTA 11-06,
CLTA 110.11-06

Mortgage Impairment After Conveyance – (CLTA 111.4-06)

Provides coverage to the Lender and HUD (or, with modification, a comparable government agency acting as guarantor) in the event that a conveyance of the land and release of the original mortgagor impairs the lien or priority of the insured mortgage (e.g., such as may occur if the circumstances create a novation).

clta111.4-06 CLTA 111.4-06

Modification of Mortgage – With Datedown, No Subsequent Matters – (LTAA 10.1)

Updates the effective date of a loan policy after recordation of a modification of the insured mortgage. Unlike the LTAA 10, this endorsement does not provide for showing matters of record subsequent and subordinate to the insured mortgage.

LTAA Form 10.1 LTAA 10.1

Modification of Mortgage – With Datedown, Legal Description Change – (LTAA 21)

Updates the effective date of a loan policy after recordation of a modification of the insured mortgage and provides for the amendment of the legal description of the land described in the policy.

LTAA Form 21 LTAA 21

Modification of Mortgage – (CLTA 110.5-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender in the event that the insured mortgage has not been properly modified for a particular change or amendment. Additionally, the endorsement insures that the insured mortgage, as modified, is prior to any liens or encumbrances, other than those already shown in Schedule B, except any additional liens or encumbrances set forth in the endorsement.

clta110.5-06 CLTA 110.5-06

Modification of Mortgage – (CLTA 110.4-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender in the event that the insured mortgage has not been property modified to provide for a particular change or amendment.

clta110.4-06 CLTA 110.4-06

Modification Endorsement – (TLTA T-38)

Insures that the insured mortgage under a Loan Policy has not been reduced or terminated due to a release of collateral or modification of certain loan terms.


Modification and Additional Advance – (CLTA 110.10-06)

Designed for issuance when the insured makes an additional advance secured by the insured mortgage and concurrently enters into a modification agreement modifying the terms of the insured mortgage or the obligation secured thereby. Provides coverage with respect to the vesting, priority of the lien of the insured mortgage and reconveyances, modifications and subordinations of the insured mortgage shown by the public records.

clta110.10-06-1 CLTA 110.10-06

Minerals, Surface Use – (CLTA 100.25-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender relating to the violation of covenants, conditions and restrictions which prohibit subsurface oil drilling operations.

clta110.10-06 CLTA 100.25-06

Minerals, Surface Entry by Lessee – (CLTA 100.24-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender that there is no right of surface right of entry under an identified mineral lease.

clta100.24-06 CLTA 100.24-06

Minerals, Surface Damage – (CLTA 100.23-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender against damage to existing improvements resulting from the exercise of the right to use the surface of the land which is subject to an oil and gas lease.

clta100.23-06 CLTA 100.23-06

Minerals, Surface Damage – (CLTA 100.29-06)

Provides coverage to an Insured relating to the use of the surface of the land and the damage to existing and future improvements for the extraction of minerals.

clta100.29-06 CLTA 100.29-06 CLTA 100.29-06

Minerals, Present – Future Improvements – (CLTA 100.26-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender relating to the use of the land's surface for the extraction or development of oil or mineral rights. This endorsement insures the Lender against loss by reason of damage to improvements to be constructed under a designated FHA project caused by exercise of the right to use the surface or the subsurface lying above a depth of 500 feet for extraction or development of oil, petroleum or other hydrocarbon substances excepted from the legal description in Schedule A.

clta100.26-06 CLTA 100.26-06

Minerals, Conveyance of Surface Rights – (CLTA 110.3-06)

Provides coverage to an Owner or Lender against loss in the event that a holder of mineral rights (e.g., oil, gas or hard minerals) has not conveyed his interest, if any, in the surface of the land itself.

clta110.3-06 CLTA 110.3-06

Minerals and Surface Damage Endorsement – (TLTA T-19.3)

The Minerals and Surface Damage Endorsement provides coverage against damage to permanent buildings resulting from the future use of the surface for the extraction or development of coal, lignite, oil, gas and other minerals.


Minerals and Surface Damage Endorsement – (TLTA T-19.2)

The Minerals and Surface Damage Endorsement provides coverage against damage to improvements (excluding lawns, shrubbery, or trees) located on the Land and resulting from the use of the surface for the extraction or development of coal, lignite, oil, gas or other minerals.


Minerals and Other Subsurface Substances- Buildings – (ALTA 35-06, CLTA 140-06)

Insures against the forced removal of buildings due to the exercise of mineral rights.

ALTA_Endorsement_35.0-06[1] ALTA 35-06,
CLTA 140-06

Minerals and Other Subsurface Substances – Land Under Development – (ALTA 35.3-06, CLTA 140.3-06)

Provides indemnity against enforced removal or alteration of improvements, as defined in the endorsement, located on the land future improvements, as defined in the endorsement, because of the exercise of an existing right to use the surface of the Land for extraction or development of minerals. Project plans must be submitted to First American underwriting counsel for approval.

ALTA_Endorsement_35.3-06[1] ALTA 35.3-06,
CLTA 140.3-06

Minerals and Other Subsurface Substances – Improvements – (ALTA 35.1-06, CLTA 140.1-06)

Insures against the enforced removal or alteration of any Improvement, resulting from the future exercise of any right existing at Date of Policy to use the surface of the Land for the extraction or development of minerals.

ALTA_Endorsement_35.1-06[1] ALTA 35.1-06,
CLTA 140.1-06

Minerals and Other Subsurface Substances – Described Improvements – (ALTA 35.2-06, CLTA 140.2-06)

Same as 35.1-06 except that improvements are itemized and set out on an Exhibit A.

ALTA_Endorsement_35.2-06[1] ALTA 35.2-06,
CLTA 140.2-06

Mezzanine Financing – (ALTA 16-06, CLTA 128-06)

Mechanics' Liens, Notice of Completion – (CLTA 101.2-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender concerning mechanics' liens which may arise from recent construction as disclosed by a recorded Notice of Completion.

clta101.2-06 CLTA 101.2-06

Mechanics' Liens, Notice of Completion – (CLTA 101.13-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender concerning mechanics' liens which may arise from recent construction as disclosed by a recorded Notice of Completion; expressly excludes loss which may arise because of another's refusal to acquire an interest in the land (e.g., a "take-out" lender).

clta101.13-06 CLTA 101.13-06

Mechanics' Liens, Notice of Completion – (CLTA 101.6-06)

This endorsement states that a Notice of Completion has been recorded and provides coverage to a Lender for loss resulting from mechanics' liens, except as are shown in the endorsement.

clta101.6-06 CLTA 101.6-06

Mechanics' Liens, No Notice of Completion – (CLTA 101.12-06)

Provides coverage to an Owner relating to mechanics' liens which may arise from work in progress or recently completed construction on specific parcels. Limited in liability (i.e. portion of policy amount allocated to specific parcel).

clta101.12-06 CLTA 101.12-06

Mechanics' Liens – (CLTA 101.1-06)

Provides coverage to an Owner concerning mechanics' liens which may arise from recent construction as disclosed by a recorded Notice of Completion.

clta101.3-06 CLTA 101.1-06

Mechanics' Liens, No Notice of Completion – (CLTA 101.3-06)

Provides coverage to an Owner relating to mechanics' liens which may arise from recent construction when a Notice of Completion is not of record.

clta101.3-06 CLTA 101.3-06

Manufactured Housing Unit – (CLTA 116.6-06)

Provides coverage to an Owner or Lender that a manufactured housing unit constitutes part of the land insured by the policy. This endorsement is used when the unit is described within the endorsement itself.

clta116.6-06 CLTA 116.6-06

Manufactured Housing Unit – (ALTA 7-06, CLTA 116.5-06)

Manufactured Housing Unit – (TLTA T-31)

The Manufactured Housing Unit Endorsement insures that a manufactured housing unit has been affixed to the land in Schedule A so as to become part of the real property collateral securing the loan.


Manufactured Housing Supplemental Coverage – (TLTA T-31.1)

The Supplemental Coverage Manufactured Housing Unit Endorsement insures that a manufactured housing unit ("MHU") has been affixed to the land in Schedule A so as to become part of the "land" insured by the policy. The T -31.1 also provides coverage if any personal property taxes or liens are attached to the MHU as personal property, and generally insures against loss if the manufactured housing unit does not constitute real property.


Manufactured Housing – Conversion: Owner's – (ALTA 7.2-06, CLTA 116.5.2-06)

Manufactured Housing – Conversion: Loan – (ALTA 7.1-06, CLTA 116.5.1-06)

Location and Map – (ALTA 22.1-06, CLTA 116.02-06)

Location – (ALTA 22-06, CLTA 116.01-06)

Limited Pre-Forclosure Downdate Endorsement – (TLTA T-99)

Limited Loan Policy – Bringdown – (AZ 300)

Legal Description – New Subdivision – (CLTA 116.3-06)

Provides coverage relating to description of the land when that land constitutes all or part of a later subdivision.

clta116.3-06 CLTA 116.3-06

Leasehold Improvements – (CLTA 107.5-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender or Lessee that the value of the improvements located on the land will be considered in determining the amount of any compensable loss under a leasehold policy.

clta107.5-06 CLTA 107.5-06

Leasehold Endorsement (Residential Owner) – (TLTA T-4R)

The Residential Leasehold Endorsement modifies the Residential Owner Policy to add additional provisions related to how loss and damages are calculated under a policy that insures a residential leasehold estate.


Leasehold Endorsement (Owner) – (TLTA T-4)

Leasehold endorsements are used whenever a leasehold interest is being insured. The Leasehold Owner Policy Endorsement modifies the Owner Policy to add additional provisions related to how loss and damages are calculated under a policy that insures a leasehold estate.


Leasehold Endorsement (Loan) – (TLTA T-5)

Leasehold Mortgagee Policy Endorsement modifies the Loan Policy to add additional provisions related to how loss and damages are calculated under a policy that insures a mortgage secured by a leasehold estate.


Leasehold – Owner's – (ALTA 13-06, CLTA 119.5-06)

This endorsement modifies the Loan policy jacket to convert it to a leasehold loan policy.

ALTA_Endorsement_13.0-06[1] ALTA 13-06,
CLTA 119.5-06

Leasehold – Loan – (ALTA 13.1-06, CLTA 119.6-06)

This endorsement modifies the Loan policy jacket to convert it to a leasehold loan policy.

ALTA_Endorsement_13.1-06[1] ALTA 13.1-06,
CLTA 119.6-06

When a lender's policy is issued for an amount less than the indebtedness secured by the insured mortgage, this Endorsement provides that coverage will not be reduced by principal payments until after the indebtedness has been reduced to the amount of insurance.AZ Form 224 AZ 224

Land Abuts Street – (CLTA 103.7-06)

Provides coverage to either an Owner or Lender in the event that the insured land does not abut upon a designated physically open street.

clta103.7-06 CLTA 103.7-06

Lack of Signature – (AZ 214)

Assures an Insured against a denial of liability solely on the grounds that a policy is issued electronically or lacks original signatures.

AZ Form 214_0 AZ 214

Interest Rate Swap Endorsement – Direct Obligation – Defined Amount – (ALTA 29.2-06 , CLTA 134.2-06)

Loan Policy. Insures against loss by reason of the invalidity, unenforceability, or lack of priority of the lien of the insured mortgage as security for the swap obligation at date of endorsement and includes an additional amount of insurance applicable only to loss or damage under the endorsement.ALTAEndorsement29-2-06Adopted08-01-11[1] ALTA 29.2-06 , CLTA 134.2-06

Interest Rate Swap Endorsement – Additional Interest – Defined Amount – (ALTA 29.3-06 , CLTA 134.3-06)

Loan Policy. Insures against loss by reason of the invalidity, unenforceability, or lack of priority of the lien of the insured mortgage as security for the swap obligation at date of endorsement and is designed for issuance when insuring the lien of the insured mortgage that secures a swap obligation and includes an additional amount of insurance applicable only.

ALTAEndorsement29-3-06Adopted08-01-11[1] ALTA 29.3-06 ,
CLTA 134.3-06

Interest Rate Swap Endorsement – Direct Obligation – (ALTA 29-06, CLTA 134-06)

Loan Policy only. Insures against the invalidity, unenforceability or lack of priority of the insured mortgage that was given as security for the repayment of a swap obligation.

ALTA_Endorsement_29-06_2-3-10[1] ALTA 29-06,
CLTA 134-06

Interest Rate Swap – Additional Interest – (ALTA 29.1-06, CLTA 134.1-06)

Loan policy only. Insures against the invalidity, unenforceability or lack of priority of the insured mortgage that was given as security for the repayment of an interest rate swap obligation.

technical_correction_29.1-06_2-3-101 ALTA 29.1-06,
CLTA 134.1-06

Interest Rate Exchange – (AZ 223)

Provides coverage to a Lender for loss or damage it would sustain if additional interest under am Interest Rate Exchange Agreement does not have the same priority as the principal of the loan.AZ Form 223

Insurance Against Enforceability of Item – (CLTA 110.7-06)

Provides coverage to an insured against loss arising from the enforcement of an obligation shown in Schedule B.

clta110.7-06 CLTA 110.7-06

Indirect Access and Entry – (ALTA 17.1-06, CLTA 103.12-06)

Increased Value Endorsement – (TLTA T-34)

Increase Amount of Insurance – (CLTA 107.2-06)

Increase the policy amount in Schedule A. It may be issued to either an Owner or Lender. The effective date of the policy remains as originally issued.

clta107.2-06 CLTA 107.2-06

Improvements – With Map Attached – (LTAA 5)

Provides a Lender indemnification in the event that a specified improvement is not located on the land. Additionally assures that the attached map correctly shows the location and dimensions of the land.

LTAA Form 5 LTAA 5

Identified Risk Coverage – (ALTA 34-06, CLTA 139-06)

Horizontal Property Regime – (LTAA 22)

Provides coverage to a Lender in relation to a loan secured by a Unit in a Horizontal Property Regime.

LTAA Form 22 LTAA 22

Homeowner's – Vacant Land – (AZ 222)

Deletes the requirement in a Homeowner's policy that the land contains a 1 to 4 family residence.

AZ Form 222 AZ 222

Homeowner's – Natural Person – (AZ 221)

Deletes the requirement in a Homeowner's policy that the insured be a natural person.

AZ Form-221 AZ 221

Guarantee Continuation – (LTAA 15)

General Endorsement (91.11A) – (AZ 220)

Provides coverage to an Insured for matters attaching or created subsequent to the date of the policy and prior to the recordation of the insured mortgage.

AZ Form-219 AZ 219

Future Insurance (Sears) – (AZ 218.1)

Assures the insured that the Company will issue, subject to certain conditions, increase the face amount of the policy or issue a new policy to the Insured or the Insured's AZ Form 218.1 AZ 218.1

Future Insurance – (AZ 218)

Assures the insured that the Company will issue, subject to certain conditions, increase the face amount of the policy or issue a new policy to the Insured or the Insured's designee.

AZ Form 218 AZ 218

Future Advance/Revolving Credit Endorsement – (TLTA T-35)

The Future Advance/Revolving Credit Endorsement provides that the insured lien is not invalid, unenforceable, and no loss of priority due to provisions in the loan providing for future advances on a revolving line of credit. It also provides that subsequent loan advances are secured by the insured mortgage and will have the same priority as advances made at the date of the policy, subject to certain specific excluded matters.


Future Advance Reverse Mortgage – (ALTA 14.3-06, CLTA 111.14.3-06)

Future Advance Priority – (ALTA 14-06, CLTA 111.14-06)

Future Advance Knowledge – (ALTA 14.1-06, CLTA 111.14.1-06)

Loan policy only. Insures priority of future advances in a mortgage with interest rate adjustments. For use in those states in which advances are granted priority by statute.

14.1-06_Future_Advance_Knowledge_-_02-03-2011[1] ALTA 14.1-06,
CLTA 111.14.1-06

Future Advance – Letter of Credit – (ALTA 14.2-06, CLTA 111.14.2-06)

Loan policy only. Insures the lack of priority or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage as security for making future advances where the mortgage is secured by a letter of credit. To be issued on commercial transactions only.

14.2-06_Future_Advance_-_Letter_of_Credit_-_02-03-2011[1] ALTA 14.2-06,
CLTA 111.14.2-06

Foundation – (CLTA 102.4-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender relating to location of the foundation of improvements under construction.

clta102.4-06 CLTA 102.4-06

Foundation – (CLTA 102.5-06, LTAA 23)

Provides coverage to a Lender relating to location of the foundation of improvements under construction, including coverage against encroachment onto shown easements.

clta102.5-06 CLTA 102.5-06,

Foreign Currency – (AZ 217)

Provides coverage to a Lender, which is making a loan in foreign currency, against loss or damage by reason of the invalidity or unenforceability of the mortgage resulting from the provisions for revaluation of the indebtedness and loss of priority caused by changes in the conversion rate.

AZ Form-217 AZ 217

First Loss Endorsement – (TLTA T-14)

Modifies the terms and conditions of the Loan Policy regarding the criteria for how loss is determined under the policy. Specifically, the endorsement provides that a loss will be recognized whenever a title defect materially impairs the value of the collateral without the requiring maturity of the indebtedness by acceleration of the debt and without requiring the lender pursue its remedies against collateral. Without the endorsement the lender would normally be required to foreclose or pursue other remedies to prove this loss before being able to make a claim.


First Loss – Multiple Parcel Transactions – (ALTA 20-06, CLTA 130-06)

This Endorsement provides that, in the event of a loss in excess of a stated percentage of the mount of insurance, the Company shall be liable to pay such loss without requiring maturity of the indebtedness secured by the insured mortgage and with requiring the insured Lender to pursue its remedies against other collateral securing the indebtedness.

AZ Form 216 AZ 216

Fairway (L.L.C.) – (AZ 215.1)

Assures an insured limited liability company that coverage under the policy shall not be deemed to have lapsed because of any addition or withdrawal of a member or a change in any member's interest.

AZ Form 215.1 AZ 215.1

Fairway – Partnership – (AZ 215)

Assures an insured partnership that coverage under the policy shall not be deemed to have lapsed because of any addition or withdrawal of a partner or a change in any partner's interest.

AZ Form 215 AZ 215

Equity Loan Mortgage Endorsement – Supplemental Coverage – (TLTA T-42.1)

The Equity Loan Mortgage Endorsement-Supplemental coverage insures that the home equity lien is not invalid, unenforceable, and no loss of priority due to a lack of compliance with eleven specific or related constitutional requirements.


Equity Loan Mortgage Endorsement – (TLTA T-42)

The Equity Loan Mortgage Endorsement insures that a home equity loan is not invalid and unenforceable due to the failure to comply with the constitutional requirements governing the issuance of a home equity loan.


Environmental Protection Lien – (ALTA 8.1-06, CLTA 110.9-06)

Environmental Protection Lien – (TLTA T-36)

The Environmental Protection Lien Endorsement Insures that the mortgage lien is not invalid, unenforceable and that there is no loss of priority due to certain recorded environmental liens.


Energy Project – Leasehold/Easement- Owner's – (ALTA 36.2-06, CLTA 141.2-06)

This endorsement is identical with ALTA Endorsement 36-06 with the exception that it deletes the aspects addressing insured easement interests. This endorsement will be used for those transactions in which there are no easement interests being insured.

ALTA_Endorsement_36.2-06[1] ALTA 36.2-06,
CLTA 141.2-06

Energy Project – Leasehold/Easement- Owner's – (ALTA 36-06, CLTA 141-06)

This endorsement provides additional coverage against loss or damage for the insured's easement interests that are utilized along with leases to create rights in the land for project improvements.

ALTA_Endorsement_36.0-06_-_Final[1] ALTA 36-06,
CLTA 141-06

Energy Project – Leasehold/Easement – Loan – (ALTA 36.1-06, CLTA 141.1-06)

Energy Project – Leasehold- Loan – (ALTA 36.3-06, CLTA 141.3-06)

Energy Project – Encroachments – (ALTA 36.6-06, CLTA 141.6-06)

This endorsement provides coverage against loss or damage as to encroachments, or enforced removal of any encroaching "Electrical Facility" or Severable Imrovement existing as of the Date of Policy and those affixed later in the locations identified on a set of defined Plans. Project plans must be submitted to First American underwriting counsel for approval.

ALTA_Endorsement_36.5-06[1] ALTA 36.6-06,
CLTA 141.6-06

Energy Project – Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions – Land Under Development – Loan – (ALTA 36.5-06, CLTA 141.5-06)

Energy Project – Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions- Land Under Development- Owner's – (ALTA 36.4-06, CLTA 141.4-06)

Patterned after the ALTA Endorsement 9.8-06 and tailored to an energy project context, this endorsement provides coverage against loss resulting from violation of Covenants and enforced removal of any "Electrical Facility" or "Severable Improvements". Project plans must be submitted to First American underwriting counsel for approval.

ALTA_Endorsement_36.4-06[1] ALTA 36.4-06,
CLTA 141.4-06

Encroachments, None Exist – (CLTA 103.6-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender against loss resulting from the event that any of the improvements located on the land encroach onto a particular easement described in Schedule B.

clta103.6-06 CLTA 103.6-06

Encroachments – Boundaries and Easements – (ALTA 28.1-06 , CLTA 103.14-06)

Loan or Owner's Policy. Insures against loss by reason of an encroachment of any improvement on the land (1) onto adjoining land, or (2) onto that portion of the land subject to an easement.

ALTA_Endorsement_28.1-06[1] ALTA 28.1-06 ,
CLTA 103.14-06

Encroachments – Boundaries and Easements – Described Improvements & Land Under Development – (ALTA 28.3-06, CLTA 103.16-06)

Insures against

a. An encroachment of any future Improvement located on the Land onto adjoining land or onto that portion of the Land subject to an easement, unless an exception in Schedule B of the policy identifies the encroachment;

b. An encroachment of any future Improvement located on adjoining land onto the Land at Date of Policy, unless an exception in Schedule B of the policy identifies the encroachment;

c. Enforced removal of any future Improvement located on the Land as a result of an encroachment by the Improvement onto any portion of the Land subject to any easement, in the event that the owners of the easement shall, for the purpose of exercising the right of use or maintenance of the easement, compel removal or relocation of the encroaching Improvement; or

d. Enforced removal of any future Improvement located on the Land that encroaches onto adjoining land
Section 4 permits Title Company to list Exceptions on Schedule B, which it will not provide assurance in this endorsement.

Section 4 permits Title Company to list Exceptions on Schedule B, which it will not provide assurance in this endorsement.

Will require Plans which consist of survey, site and elevation plans, or other depictions or drawings prepared by architect or engineer.

ALTA_Endorsement_28.3-06_-_Final1 ALTA 28.3-06,
CLTA 103.16-06

Encroachments – Boundaries and Easements – Described Improvements – (ALTA 28.2-06, CLTA 103.15-06 )

Insures against

a. An encroachment of any Improvement located on the Land onto adjoining land or onto that portion of the Land subject to an easement, unless an exception in Schedule B of the policy identifies the encroachment;

b. An encroachment of any Improvement located on adjoining land onto the Land at Date of Policy, unless an exception in Schedule B of the policy identifies the encroachment;

c. Enforced removal of any Improvement located on the Land as a result of an encroachment by the Improvement onto any portion of the Land subject to any easement, in the event that the owners of the easement shall, for the purpose of exercising the right of use or maintenance of the easement, compel removal or relocation of the encroaching Improvement; or

d. Enforced removal of any Improvement located on the Land that encroaches onto adjoining land

Section 4 permits Title Company to list Exceptions on Schedule B, which it will not provide assurance in this endorsement.

ALTA_Endorsement_28.2-06_-_Final1 ALTA 28.2-06,
CLTA 103.15-06

Encroachment, Future Improvements – (CLTA 103.9-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender against loss resulting from the enforced removal of any improvements, which are to be constructed in accordance with designated plans and specifications, from a particular street.

clta103.9-06 CLTA 103.9-06

Electronic Signature – (AZ 214)

Assures an Insured against a denial of liability solely on the grounds that a policy is issued electronically or lacks original signatures.

AZ Form 214 AZ 214

Electronic Policy Authentication – (ALTA 39-06, CLTA 142-06)

Assures an Insured against a denial of liability solely on the grounds that a policy is issued electronically or lacks original signatures.

ALTA_Endorsement_39-06_-_Final1 ALTA 39-06,
CLTA 142-06

Easement, Existing Encroachment – (CLTA 103.3-06)

Insures a Lender against loss by reason of the enforced removal of improvements which encroach upon specific easements shown in Schedule B.

clta103.3-06 CLTA 103.3-06

Easement, Damage – Use or Maintenance – (CLTA 103.2-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender against loss sustained as the result of the exercise of the right to use or maintain a particular easement over or through the land.

clta103.2-06 CLTA 103.2-06

Easement, Damage or Enforced Removal – (ALTA 28-06 , CLTA 103.1-06)

Loan Policy. Insures against loss in the event that a specific easement holder shall (1) cause damage to a building located on the land at date of policy, or (2) compel the removal or alteration of an existing building located on the land at date of policy. This endorsement is usually requested by a lender when an encroachment over an easement is discovered.

ALTA_Endorsement_28-06_2-3-10[1]_0 ALTA 28-06 ,
CLTA 103.1-06

Doing Business As – (AZ 213)

Provides coverage to a Lender against loss or damage arising from the enforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage by reason of the failure of the insured to be qualified to do business in the State of Arizona.

AZ Form 213 AZ 213

Doing Business – (ALTA 24-06, CLTA 133-06)

Loan policy only. Insures against the invalidity or unenforceability of the insured mortgage due to the fact that the loan violated doing business laws of the locale where the insured land is located.

ALTA_Endorsement_24-06_Doing_Business_10-16-08[1] ALTA 24-06,
CLTA 133-06

Disbursement Endorsement – (ALTA 33-06, CLTA 138-06)

Endorsement brings forward the Date of Coverage, increases the insurance amount based upon the periodic construction disbursements, after each construction loan disbursement is made.

33.0-06_Disbursement_Endorsement_-_02-03-2011[1] ALTA 33-06,
CLTA 138-06

Designation of Improvements, Condo – (CLTA 116.2-06)

Provides coverage to an Owner or Lender against loss sustained by reason of the failure of the exterior boundary dimensions of the common areas being the exterior boundary of the project, or the failure of the title to include certain improvements within the project boundaries. This endorsement is designed for issuance when the insured estate is a condominium.

clta116.2-06 CLTA 116.2-06

Designation of Improvements, Address – (CLTA 116-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender in the event that a specified improvement is not located on the land which is known by a particular street address.

clta116-06_0 CLTA 116-06

Deletion of Item from Policy – (CLTA 110.1-06, LTAA 7)

Deletes, corrects or amends a Schedule B exception or Schedule A paragraph after issuance of the policy. It may be issued to an Owner or Lender.

clta110.1-06 CLTA 110.1-06,

This policy is designed for extending the date of a Loan Policy without reissuing the policy.

AZ Form 212 Date Down AZ 212

Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions – Improved Land – Owner's Policy – (ALTA 9.2-06, CLTA 100.10-06)

Insures against violations of restrictive covenants, encroachments and outstanding mineral interests regarding improved land.ALTA_Endorsement_9.2-06[1] ALTA 9.2-06,
CLTA 100.10-06

Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions – Land Under Development – Owner's Policy – (ALTA 9.8-06 , CLTA 100.2.8-06)

Insures against violations of covenants and notices of violations of covenants relating to environmental protection with respect to improvements and future improvements.

ALTA_Endorsement_9.8-06_-_Corrected[1] ALTA 9.8-06 ,
CLTA 100.2.8-06

Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions – Unimproved Land – Owner's Policy – (ALTA 9.1-06, CLTA 100.9-06)

Insures against violations of restrictive covenants, encroachments and outstanding mineral interests.

ALTA_Endorsement_9.1-06[1] ALTA 9.1-06,
CLTA 100.9-06

Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions – Loan Policy – (ALTA 9.3-06, CLTA 100.2.1-06)

Loan Policy only. Used where CLTA 100 is requested. Provides more extensive coverage against outstanding mineral interests than the ALTA 9-06.

ALTA_Endorsement_9.3-06[1] ALTA 9.3-06,
CLTA 100.2.1-06

Covenants in Lease are Binding – (CLTA 124.2-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender or Lessee in the event that the lessor's affirmative covenants contained in the lease are not binding on the lessor and his successors.

clta124.2-06 CLTA 124.2-06

Covenants are Binding – (CLTA 124.1-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender or Owner in the event that certain covenants contained in a deed or an agreement between landowners are not binding on the covenantor and successors in interest.

clta124.1-06 CLTA 124.1-06

Contiguity Endorsement – (TLTA T-25.1)

Amends the policy to provide the boundaries of four or more tracts covered in the policy are contiguous, and that there are no gaps, strips or gores separating the boundary lines of said contiguous and abutting tracts. The T-25.1 may also be used in lieu of the Form T-25 Contiguity Endorsement when the insured land is composed irregularly shaped tracts.CONTIGUITY ENDORSEMENT T-25.1 TLTA T-25.1

Contiguity Endorsement – (TLTA T-25)

Amends the policy to provide that the boundaries of two or more tracts in the policy are contiguous, and that there are no gaps, strips or gores separating the boundary lines of said contiguous and abutting tracts.


Contiguity – Specified Parcels – (ALTA 19.2-06, CLTA 116.9-06)

Insures there are no gaps, strips, or gores lying within or between the parcels, except as depicted in the survey.

ALTA_Endorsement_19.2-06_-_Final1 ALTA 19.2-06,
CLTA 116.9-06

Contiguity – Single Parcel – (ALTA 19.1-06, CLTA 116.4-06)

Contiguity – Multiple Parcels – (ALTA 19-06, CLTA 116.4.1-06)

Contiguity – Compact Body of Land – (AZ 210)

Assures an Insured the land constitutes a compact body of land without gaps, strips, or gores.

AZ Form 210 AZ 210

Construction Loan Advance – (CLTA 122-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender concerning obligatory advances made under the insured mortgage when the original policy amount is for the full amount of the loan.

clta122.2-06 CLTA 122-06

Construction Loan – Loss of Priority – Insured's Direct Payment – (ALTA 32.2-06, CLTA 137.2-06)

Loan Policy. Deletes Covered Risk 11(a) from the policy. Coverage same as 32-06, except that this endorsement also covers against loss of priority caused by any unfiled mechanic's lien but only to the extent the direct payment to the mechanic's lien claimant has been made by the insured or on the insured's behalf on or before date of coverage.

ALTA_32.2-06_Endorsement[1] ALTA 32.2-06,
CLTA 137.2-06

Construction Loan – Loss of Priority – Direct Payment – (ALTA 32.1-06, CLTA 137.1-06)

Loan Policy. Deletes Covered Risk 11(a) from the policy. Coverage same as 32-06, except that this endorsement also covers against loss of priority caused by any unfiled mechanic's lien but only to the extent the direct payment to the mechanic's lien claimant has been made by the by the company or by the insured with the company's written approval.

32.1-06_Construction_Loan_Pending_Disbursement_-_02-03-2011[1] ALTA 32.1-06,
CLTA 137.1-06

Construction Loan — Loss of Priority – (ALTA 32-06, CLTA 137-06)

Deletes Covered Risk 11(a) from the policy. Insures against the invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the Insured Mortgage or its loss of priority for a construction loan advance that is made on or before the policy date. It does not insure against mechanic's liens that arise for work done after the affective date of the policy.

32.0-06_Construction_Loan_Pending_Disbursement_-_02-03-2011[1] ALTA 32-06,
CLTA 137-06

Construction Lender Advance – (CLTA 122.2-06 )

Provides coverage to a Lender concerning obligatory advances made under the insured mortgage when the original policy amount is for the amount of the initial disbursement only.

clta122.2-06 CLTA 122.2-06

Construction Draws – (AZ 209)

Provides assurances to a Lender with respect to the disbursement of a construction draw when the original policy was issued for the full loan amount.

AZ Form 209 span class="num-found">AZ 209

Condominium Endorsement – (TLTA T-28)

The Condominium Endorsement provides insurance to lenders having loans secured by a condominium unit. The endorsement insures that the unit is part of a condominium regime compliant with Texas law governing the creation and maintenance of condominiums.


Condominium – (ALTA 4.1-06, CLTA 115.3-06)

Condominium – (CLTA 115.1, ALTA Form 4)

Provides coverage to a Lender in relation to a loan secured by a Condominium.

CLTA Form 115.1 CLTA 115.1,
ALTA Form 4

Concurrent Policies – (AZ 207)

Provides for the pro tanto reduction of liability for losses or damages paid under concurrent policies.

AZ Form 207 AZ 207

Comprehensive, Owner – (CLTA 100 (Modified), LTAA 3R (Modified))

Provides coverage to an Owner concerning covenants, conditions and restrictions, encroachments, easements and the right of surface entry for mineral extraction.

CLTA Form 100.2CLTA Form 100.2 (Modified AZ 206

Comprehensive, Loan – Without Minerals – (LTAA 3)

Provides coverage to a Lender concerning covenants, conditions and restrictions, encroachments and easements. Excepts coverage for damage to improvements resulting from the use of the surface as a right of entry onto said land to prospect for, mine and remove the mineral estate.

LTAA Form 3 LTAA 3

Commitment/Binder Amendment – (AZ 204)

Provides for the amendment of a commitment or binder

Az Form 204 AZ 204

Commerical Environmental Protection Lien – (ALTA 8.2-06, CLTA 110.9.1-06)

Commercial Participation Interest – (ALTA 30.1-06 , CLTA 30.1-06)

Loan Policy. Insures against loss by reason of the invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage resulting from the provisions in the insured mortgage or in the loan documents which provide for participation interest.

ALTA_30.1-06_Endorsement_Final[1] ALTA 30.1-06 ,
CLTA 30.1-06

Commercial Environmental Protection Lien Endorsement – (TLTA T-36.1)

Colorado River Endorsement – (AZ 206)

Excludes coverage for any liability for any adverse claim by the United States of America, or any sovereign state thereof to any portion of the land created by artificial means or is claimed to be accretion, alluvion, dereliction, avulsion, reliction or exposed river bed.

AZ Form 206 AZ 206

Collateral Assignment of Mortgage – (CLTA 104.11-06, LTAA 27)

Provides coverage to a Lender in the event that the insured mortgage has not been collaterally assigned, or in the event that there are recorded reconveyances, modifications or subordinations of the insured mortgage. Liability is limited to the amount set forth in the endorsement. This endorsement expressly excludes loss resulting from the lack of possession of the original promissory note secured by the insured mortgage or the absence of proper endorsement of the note to the assignee.

clta104.11-06 CLTA 104.11-06,

Coinsurance, Joint and Several Liability – (CLTA 114.2-06)

Intended to be attached to a policy issued by a lead coinsurer to provide coinsurance by all the named companies
where each coinsurer will have joint and several liability for the amount of liability set forth in the endorsement and separate pro rata portion of the total risk under the policy.

clta114.2-06 CLTA 114.2-06

Coinsurance, Joint and Several Liability – (CLTA 114.1-06)

Intended to be attached to a policy issued by a lead coinsurer to provide coinsurance by all the named companies where each coinsurer will have joint and several liability for the entire risk under the policy.

clta114.1-06 CLTA 114.1-06

Coinsurance – Single Policy – (ALTA 23-06, CLTA 114.3-06)

Coinsurance – Multiple Parcels – (ALTA 23.1-06, CLTA 114.4-06 )

Coinsurance – (CLTA 114-06)

Intended to be attached to a policy issued by a lead coinsurer to provide coinsurance by all the named companies where each coinsurer will have a separate pro rata portion of the total risk under the policy.clta114-06 CLTA 114-06

Co-Insurance Endorsement – (TLTA T-48)

The Co-Insurance Endorsement is issued when another title company assumes a portion of the risk by co-insuring a policy that exceeds fifteen million dollars in liability. This endorsement is often utilized when the total liability exceeds a company's underwriting limits.CO-INSURANCE ENDORSEMENT T-48_0 TLTA T-48

CC&R's, Violations – (CLTA 100.27-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender relating to a present violation of identified CC&R's.

clta100.27-06 CLTA 100.27-06

CC&R's, Violations – (CLTA 100.20-06)

Provides an Insured coverage against the enforcement or attempted enforcement of identified CC&R's.

clta100.20-06 CLTA 100.20-06

CC&R's, Violations – (CLTA 100.8-06)

Provides coverage to an Owner concerning prior and future violations of a specific provision in the identified CC&R's.

clta100.8-06 CLTA 100.8-06

CC&R's, Violations – (CLTA 100.7-06)

Provides coverage to an Owner concerning a prior violation of a specific provision in the CC&R's.

clta100.7-06 CLTA 100.7-06

CC&R's, Violations – (CLTA 100.6-06)

Provides coverage to an Owner concerning prior and future violations of all provisions in the identified CC&R's.

clta100.6-06 CLTA 100.6-06

CC&R's, Violations – (CLTA 100.5-06)

Provides coverage to an Owner concerning prior violations of a specific provision in the identified CC&R's.

clta100.5-06 CLTA 100.5-06

CC&R's, Violations – (CLTA 100.4-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender concerning a prior violation of a specific provision in the identified CC&R's.

clta100.4-06 ALTA 23.1-06,
CLTA 114.4-06

CC&R's, Violation – Future Improvements – (CLTA 100.28-06)

Provides coverage to an Owner or Lender relating to the present or future violation of a particular provision of the covenants, conditions and restrictions caused by construction of a designated improvement.

clta100.28-06 CLTA 100.28-06

CC&R's, Right of Reversion – (CLTA 100.18-06)

Provides coverage, including marketability of title, to an Insured concerning the enforceability of a power of termination provision resulting from the violation of the identified CC&R's.

clta100.18-06 CLTA 100.18-06

CC&R's, Right of Reversion – (CLTA 100.12-06)

Provides coverage to an Insured as to the enforceability of a power of termination provision in the identified CC&R's

clta100.12-06 CLTA 100.12-06

CC&R's, Proper Modification – (CLTA 100.17-06)

Provides coverage to an Insured concerning the modification of a specific provision of the identified CC&R's.

clta100.17-06 CLTA 100.17-06

CC&R's, Plans and Specifications – (CLTA 100.21-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender in the event that approvals required by the identified CC&R's for plans and specifications of designated improvements are not obtained.

clta100.21-06 CLTA 100.21-06

CC&R's, Assessment Liens – (CLTA 100.13-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender in the event the insured mortgage lacks priority over any assessments provided for in the identified CC&R's, which arise prior to the acquisition of title by the Insured.

clta100.13-06 CLTA 100.13-06

Bondholder – (CLTA 112.1-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender relating to a deed of trust or trust indenture given to secure bonds.

clta112.1-06 CLTA 112.1-06

Balloon Mortgage Endorsement – (TLTA T-39)

The Balloon Mortgage Endorsement insures that the insured lien is not invalid or unenforceable and that there is no loss of priority due to provisions contained in the mortgage providing for a balloon payment.


Provides coverage to a lender regarding the invalidity or unenforceability of the insured mortgage resulting from provisions contained within the Balloon Mortgage Rider.

AZ Form 203 AZ 203

Assumption (Modification) of Deed of Trust – (AZ 202)

Provides coverage to a Lender regarding a conveyance of the land by recorded deed and the recordation of a novation agreement.

AZ Form 202 AZ 202

Assignments of Rents/Leases – (CLTA 104.7-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender relating to the existence of any prior assignment of rents.

clta104.7-06 CLTA 104.7-06

Assignments of Rents/Leases – (CLTA 104.6-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender relating to the execution of identified documents or the existence of prior assignments of lessor̢۪s interest in leases referred to in identified documents.

clta104.6-06 CLTA 104.6-06

Assignment of Rents/Leases Endorsement – (TLTA T-27)

The Assignment of Rents/Leases Endorsement provides the lender with additional coverage when the collateral for the loan being insured also includes rental property secured by a document assigning rental income and leases to the lender. This endorsement insures that there is no defect in the execution of the Assignment of Rents and/or Leases and that there is no prior assignment of rents of record.


Assignment of Mortgage (FNMA) – (LTAA 4)

Amends the name of the insured to Federal national Mortgage Association and provides insurance against loss by reason of the failure of an assignment to vest title to said mortgage in the named insured and of any recorded modifications or reconveyances.

LTAA Form 4 LTAA 4

Assignment of Mortgage – (CLTA 104.8-06, LTAA 1)

Provides coverage to a Lender relating to the validity of an assignment of the insured mortgage, tax or assessment liens or other matters affecting the validity or priority of the lien of the insured mortgage or the insured estate or interest. Expressly excludes loss resulting from lack of possession of the original note secured by the insured mortgage or the absence of proper endorsement to the assignee.

clta104.8-06 CLTA 104.8-06

Assignment of Mortgage – (CLTA 104.1-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender for failure to transfer the beneficial interest of the insured mortgage by a valid assignment and for recorded reconveyances, modifications or subordinations of the insured mortgage.

clta104.1-06 CLTA 104.1-06

Assignment of Mortgage – (CLTA 104-06)

Provides coverage to a Lender relating to the validity of an assignment of the insured mortgage, tax or assessment liens or other matters affecting the validity or priority of the lien of the insured mortgage or the insured estate or interest.

clta104-06 CLTA 104-06

Assignment of Mortgage – (CLTA 104.10-06 , LTAA 1.1)

Provides coverage to a Lender in the event that the insured mortgage has not been validly assigned or if there are recorded reconveyances, modifications or subordinations of the insured mortgage. This endorsement expressly excludes loss resulting from the lack of possession of the original promissory note secured by the insured mortgage or the absence of proper endorsement of the note to the assignee.

clta104.10-06 CLTA 104.10-06
LTAA 1.1

Assignment And Date Down – (ALTA 10.1-06, CLTA 104.13-06)

Loan Policy only. Modifies the effective date of the policy to the date of the assigned instruments.

alta_endorsement_10.1-06_2-3-101 ALTA 10.1-06
CLTA 104.13-06

Assignment – (ALTA 10-06, CLTA 104.12-06)

ASAP Policy – Revolving Credit – (AZ 302)

Provides an Insured under an ASAP Loan Policy coverage relating to the validity, enforceability and priority of the lien of the mortgage securing a revolving credit line loan agreement.

AZ Form 302 AZ 302

ASAP Policy – Datedown – (AZ 301)

Arbitration – Deletion (Owner's Policy) – (AZ 201)

Deletes the Arbitration clause (Item 14) from the Conditions and Stipulations of the Owners Policy.

AZ Form 201 AZ 201

Alternative Estates – (AZ 200)

Deletes the Arbitration clause (Item 13) from the Conditions and Stipulations of the Loan Policy.

AZ Form 201.1 AZ 200

Alternative Estates – (AZ 200)

Provides coverage under alternative policies issued in Mezzanine Loan transaction.

AZ Form 200 AZ 200

Allocation of Liability to Parcels – (CLTA 107.1-06)

Allocates the liability amount indicated on Schedule A between two or more parcels insured under one policy. It may be issued to either an Owner or Lender.

clta107.1-06 CLTA 107.1-06

Aggregation Endorsement – (TLTA T-16)

The Aggregation Endorsement commonly referred to as the "tie-in" endorsement, ties together multiple loan policies that secure the same indebtedness so the effect of the coverage under a specific Loan Policy is the aggregate amount of all loan policies issued.

Aggregation Endorsement T-16_0 TLTA T-16

Aggregation – (ALTA 12-06, CLTA 117-06)

Loan policy only. Also known as a Tie-in, Spreader or Cluster Endorsement. The endorsement aggregates the amount of coverage from policies in several states relating to a commercial transaction.

Alta_Endorsement_12-06_Aggregation_6-17-06[1]ALTA 12-06
CLTA 117-06

Additional Insured Endorsement – (TLTA T-26)

The Additional Insured Endorsement amends the Owner Policy by adding successors in ownership as an additional insured under the policy. The endorsement does not extend the coverage of the policy to any later date than the Date of Policy and is very limited in that the successor must meet the criteria specified in Procedural Rule. Furthermore, the endorsement does not impose any liability on the Company for loss or damage resulting from (1) failure of such additional insured to acquire an insurable estate or interest in the land, or (2) any defect, lien or encumbrance attaching by reason of the acquisition of an estate or interest in the land by such additional insured.

Additional Insured Endorsement T-26_0 TLTA T-26

Additional Insured – (CLTA 107.10-06)

Adds a named insured to an existing policy.

clta107.10-06CLTA 107.10-06

Additional Insured – (CLTA 107.9-06)

Additional Advance – (CLTA 108.8-06, LTAA 2)

Designed for issuance when the Lender makes an optional advance evidenced by an additional promissory note. The subsequent advance is to be secured by the original mortgage pursuant to an "additional advance" provision contained in the original deed of trust or in a modification agreement.

clta108.8-06CLTA 108.8-06

Access Endorsement – (TLTA T-23)

The Access Endorsement insures that land covered by the policy abuts and has both actual vehicular and pedestrian access to and from the land and a physically open street.ACCESS ENDORSEMENT T-23 TLTA T-23

Access and Entry – (ALTA 17-06, CLTA 103.11-06)


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